MKNLFILALLAFTATSAVAQLYTTCSQGYGQCQQQPQPQPQPQPQPQMNTCSAFLQQCSQTAYVQSQMWQASGCQLMRQQCCQPLAQISEQARCQAVCSVAQIIMRQQQGQRFGQPQQQQGQSFSQPQQQVPVEIMGMVLQTLPSMCSVNIPQYCTTTPCSTIAPAIYNIPMTATCAGGAC 181 LMW-gliadin 1058 Avenin-like a6 AVLA6_WHEAT Seed storage protein. Not integrated in the gluten polymer through disulfide bonds, unless incorporated by reduction and reoxidation during dough making. Increases dough strength and bread volume, but decreases dough stability when added into a base wheat flour (By similarity). :PTM: Contains 7 disulfide bonds (Probable).